ConnecTalk Solutions invites you to its fall event tour! Come see how our VMAXSOR Retail · Price Tagging System (mPTS) automates the execution of in-store price changes.
Speed. Efficiency. Reliability.
We're excited to demo our new mPTS solution for you! Scan product codes. Print updated tags automatically on-the-go. Apply the new labels immediately!
3 dates and locations to choose from!
Monday, Oct. 16th
11am to 2pm
Hôtel Le Bonne Entente
3400 Chemin Ste-Foy
Ville de Québec, QC
Tuesday, Oct. 17th
5pm to 8:30pm
Le Pois Penché
1230 boul. de Maisonneuve ouest
Montréal, QC
Wednesday, Oct. 18th
5pm to 8:30pm
Château Taillefer Lafon
1500 Montée Champagne
Laval, QC